About US

Human Capital is the Core Capital and Human Competency is the Core Competency in an Individual, Enterprise and Corporate. It is identified and recognized as a fundamental need in sustainable business, finance & investment. Governing and developing Human Capital with appropriate skill set converting from Knowledge and its application & practice in workplace are imperative. And its continuous process & practice in the context of sustainability, circularity & digital establishing traceability, transparency and visibility is inevitable for competitive advantages. Enhancement of Productivity and Efficiency is a game changer in next generation business, finance & investment.

In view of this Mr. Bhaskar Ranjan Saha, a Veteran Professional C-Suite Executive having 33 Years + versatile hands on job experience from MTO to CXO has founded Bhaskar Accounting Lab and is leading the Enterprise as a Lead Mentor / Consultant for accelerating and enhancing Managers’ Productivity and efficiency in workplace of Textiles & Apparels Manufacturing business, finance and investment.

Vision of Bhaskar Accounting Lab is to build & produce competent Manager in four core pillars management framework-Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling shining the light of our country under privileged youth exploring, extracting and accelerating their excellency from the school level to workplace fulfilling the requirements for their completeness in workplace placing and mentoring them to reach their career destination in a course of time saying NO SHORT CUT and NO COMFORT ZONE embracing and adapting change management in an approach of Serving-Learning and Sharing is Caring in workplace.

In the context of four core business functional pillars framework Bhaskar Accounting Lab’s flagship Services & Solutions-Knowledge into Skill, Mentorship Program, Partnership Program and Counseling to target individual, enterprise & corporate are for its sustainability in four core pillars balance performance.

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