
Mentorship is not a one-off training or coaching or guidance. It is a fulfillment of your completeness acquiring and practicing requisite techno-soft skills for achievement of label-function based balanced goals building capabilities in accordance with absorbing capacity in workplace with a journey to reach at career destination from MTO to CXO assuring balanced performance as an individual or Enterprise or Corporate individually and collectively.

Our state of the art highly industry workplace experienced mentorship program to groom you in workplace at your utmost sincerity and integrity with hard work for your best success and career growth with NO SHORT CUT mitigating industry-academia Gap as much as possible in a four pillar Management Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling.

We are the Mentors for you as the act or process of partnership to groom you in the workplace. You are an individual or Enterprise or Corporate, NO Matter, well-maintaining balance scorecard in four perspectives setting position-industry benchmarks –

  1. Financial Perspectives – Survive, Succeed & Prosper;
  2. Customer Perspectives – New Products, Responsive Supply, Relationship;
  3. Internal Perspectives – Technology Capability, Efficiency & Productivity;
  4. Innovation & Learning Perspectives – Management Capabilities, Adaption with Changes, Continuous Improvement with life-long learning principles.

Industry is needed Manager with the practice of Scientific Management in a platform of Integrated Business Process Management for sustainable development of business, finance & investment together driven by cross-functionally verified transaction processed data establishing data integrity across the value chain of the organization for its stakeholders. 

Sustainability, Circularity, Digital and Traceability, Transparency, Visibility are imperatives in management practice and actions in workplace with a continuous improvement, not in words for availing competitive advantages. Our mentorship program is to be custom-designed for you addressing these issues in line with four SDGs directly related to the workplace for an individual, enterprise and corporate – People, Planet, Prosper, Peace and Partnership amongst the stakeholders.

SDG4 – Quality Education

SDG8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

Bhaskar Accounting Lab mentorship program is for you at workplace in the principle of ‘Serving -Learning’ & ‘Sharing is Caring’ enhancing efficiency @10% to 30% from its base level worked-out in deep dive analysis.

Office: Workstation 101,  Level-5, Uttara Tower,  1  Jashimuddin Avenue, Sector-3, Uttara, Dhaka-1230

+880 1713-042028 (M)
+880 9666770707

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